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Ecocity held the China-New BIM technology Application Forum

On December 3, the China-Singapore BIM Technology Application Forum sponsored by the Eco-City Construction Bureau and hosted by Tianjin Eco-City Green Building Research Institute Co., Ltd. was held i...


       On December 3, the China-Singapore BIM Technology Application Forum sponsored by the Eco-City Construction Bureau and hosted by Tianjin Eco-City Green Building Research Institute Co., Ltd. was held in the Eco-City. The forum invited experts from China and Singapore to discuss the application of BIM technology in the construction industry, and through learning advanced experience, the eco-city is expected to formulate relevant regulations and norms to further promote the construction of "green building demonstration base in the Northern region".

      BIM is a new technology emerging in the field of computer-aided architectural design in recent years. With its characteristics of three-dimensional visibility, collaboration and accuracy, BIM has become an important measure for the fine operation and management of the entire life cycle of the construction industry, and an important realization method for building smart buildings and smart cities. At the same time, it is also becoming an important way to accelerate industrial integration and optimization and improve the ecology of the industrial chain.

     The holding of the China-Singapore BIM Technology Application Forum has played a promoting role in actively promoting the energy-saving demonstration effect of green building demonstration bases in the northern region and learning from the advanced application of BIM technology in the construction process of Singapore.


  During the meeting, Ms. Huang Yixiang, deputy director of the Building Information Technology Center of Singapore Construction Bureau, and Mr. Guan Xiaofeng, BIM practice manager of Singapore bimage Company, as new representatives, shared the relevant policies, technical achievements, application experience and problems made by Singapore in the field of BIM application, which gives a lot of inspiration for the future development of BIM in our country.


Ms. Wong Yixiang, Deputy Director, Building Information Technology Centre, Construction Authority of Singapore


Mr. Guan Xiaofeng, BIM Practice Manager, bimage Company, Singapore

      At the same time, Mr. Peng Fei, Product Director of the Tianjin Branch of Yizhu Information Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and Mr. Feng Yuwei, manager of the Design Consulting branch of Tianjin Fangyou Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. also shared the development of BIM application in China. In particular, the application process of prefabricated projects, data management cloud platform, lightweight BIM application and project application are introduced.


Mr. Peng Fei, Product Director of Yizhu Information Technology (Shanghai) Co., LTD. Tianjin Branch


Mr. Feng Yuwei, manager of Design Consulting branch of Tianjin Fangyou Engineering Consulting Co., LTD